The Berlin Wall, a civic tragedy in architecture, falls on November 9, 1989, and the void it left in the urban spaces of the German city are now filled with the world’s most critically engaging architecture. Ten years and nine days later, the Aggie bonfire falls creating a civic tragedy in architecture of its own right, albeit at a smaller scale. With this film as his final report, Bradley Angell investigates whether a critically important redemption of the pyrotonic tradition is possible as the tragedy still leaves a void both in the spirit and the psyche of the campus. Reaching beyond the memorials that litter our urban spaces as emotional fillers for tragic events, 10 Years & 9 Days is an engaging story of the manner in which we do not just remember our cultural heritage, but redeem it in our structures and traditions in the face of the erosion brought by change in our globalized world.

10 Years & 9 Days is a feature-length documentary that runs 111 minutes. It was completed in November 2006, produced in the United States, and shot in the United States and Germany. The budget is estimated at $35,000, and was funded with student research awards, personal savings, a graduate student stipend, donations, credit cards and David & Beverly Angell’s gas card.

10 Years & 9 Days was shot in MiniDV, 16 mm, and with a composite of still photography – 35mm, Medium Format, Digital, and Large Format. Exhibition formats include MiniDV (preferred) or DVD NTSC. This film is primarily delivered in American English, but also includes the following languages (all subtitled in American English): Spanish, German, Hebrew, Hindi, Turkish, and Vietnamese.

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